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Horseback Rides

The Ultimate Colorado Adventure

Spectacular Horseback Rides

Horseback Rides  

5 yrs+

1 hour, 1.5 hour, 2 hour, & half-day rides

Easy Online Booking

It’s magical, scenic and manageable for most people. 

95% of our guests have never ridden a horse before.  

We specialize in Kid-Safe and Husband-Safe Horses

Limited to two 5-6 yr olds on the 1 or 1.5 hour ride.  And NO, you do not book your 6-1/2 yr old as a 7-yr old to bypass the terms.  

Naturally, kids are excited and chatty.  If you are the grumpy type or the type raised your kids and are over that stage, or left your kids at home for an adult vacation, you may prefer an adult-only ride or a private ride.  Group rides include all types and all levels of riders.  Book something appropriate for your personality type and your riding expectations.  If you do select the group ride, don’t expect us to feel sorry for you when you complain about the normal things that occur.  If you select the Adult-Only ride and the adults end up whining or letting their horse eat and you feel disgusted, know now you should book a private ride.  If you are and expert rider and have your own horse, we are wearing ear plugs.

NO NO Double Double Riding Riding

STRICT Weight Limit: – 220lbs < 6′ > 240lbs < 6’4″> 260lbs)

Arrive at the Reservation Time

Upgrade to Private Ride and Adult-Only 18 yrs+, please call to book.

Read the FAQs here, before you call, because our hands are full!

Parent-Led Pony Rides for kids 0-5 yrs available during Happy G.O.A.T. Hours.  Pay at the bar.  No reservations avail.

Admission to Goat Area $10 – Separate activity from Horseback Riding.

Riding a horse through the mountains is like being transported to another world, a world of breathtaking beauty and majesty. The landscape around you is a tapestry of meadows, wildflowers, lodgepole pines, and quaking aspen trees, and the air is alive with the sound of nature.

As you ride through the meadows, the sun warming your skin and the wind in your hair, you feel a sense of peace and tranquility wash over you. The gentle sway of the horse beneath you is like a lullaby, and you are lulled into a state of pure bliss.

The wildflowers are a riot of color, their petals reaching for the sky in a joyful celebration of life. Butterflies flit from flower to flower, and the air is sweet with the scent of blossoms.

The lodgepole pines tower above you, their trunks straight and true, their branches reaching towards the sky. Their needles create a dappled shade that is cool and refreshing, and you feel a sense of awe at the majesty of these ancient trees.

Wildlife abounds in these mountains, and you may catch a glimpse of elk, deer, or even a black bear as you ride through the forests. The animals seem to sense your presence and regard you with a wary eye, as if wondering what this strange creature on horseback is doing in their territory.

And then there are the aspen trees, those quaking sentinels that stand guard over the mountains. Their leaves shimmer and shake in the breeze, creating a music all their own, and you are struck by their beauty and grace.

Riding a horse through the mountains, through meadows, wildflowers, lodgepole pines, and aspen trees, is an experience that will stay with you for a lifetime. It is a journey of the soul, a communion with nature that is both humbling and inspiring, and it is something that every person should have the opportunity to experience at least once in their lifetime.

Limited to two 5 or 6 yr olds on any one ride.  Definition of 5 and 6 yr old.  = A human that has existed between 1825 days and 2554 days outside of the womb.  

After your ride, G.O.A.T. Happy Hour is available starting at 11am, most days, and goes until 5.  Pet the goats, feed them, take selfies, pet and brush the pony.  $10 admission.

What is the difference between the trails?

Tine Ages Viewpoints Aspens Lodgepoles Creek Wildlife Technicality Elevation
Rocky Point 1 Hour 5yrs_ 2 Yes No No Sometimes Easy 9200ft
Bear Hollow 1.5 hours 5 yrs+ 2 Lots and Lots No Yes in AM Sometimes Moderate 9400ft
Dark Timber 2 Hours 7 yrs+ 3 Even More Yes No Sometimes Moderate + 9600ft
Elk Springs 4 Hours 5 yrs+ 3 Millions Hundreds Yes, Yes, Yes Sometimes Challenging 10,300ft

Private Rides on any of our rides, allow and are fine for resilient, tough, 5 AND 6 yrs olds.

Upgrade to an adult-only ride.  Cost a bit more to hear adults whining instead of kids.  Call to book as it’s not available to book online.

But if you’re wanting a deal, we have something for you.  A cash price!!  The rides cash price discount of $10pp.  Any age.  Show us the green, we refund the card for the full amount charged and you get the only discount available.


Pony Time 

(0-5) yrs ⇐

Petting, brushing & parent-led rides.

$15/15 minutes

Sign a waiver and add it to your tab at the bar during Happy G.O.A.T. Hours.  No reservations available.


Kids can pet, brush or ride our lovely ponies “Bennie” or “Mocha”.  No feeding!  Little fingers look like little carrots, and the ponies get entirely too chunky.  


Q:  We know you aren’t open for G.O.A.T. Happy Hour now and you all look so busy but can you just get the pony out for us?  Our daughter has been dying to ride a pony.

A:  Neigh.

Book Now!


Private Horseback Rides

Available for all trail rides

Taking a private horseback ride (= costs more) can offer several advantages over a group ride. Here are some reasons why you might want to consider a private horseback ride:

  1. Personalized attention: With a private ride, you’ll have the undivided attention of your guide, who can tailor the ride to your skill level and preferences. You can ask questions, get tips on riding technique, and receive more personalized attention and guidance.
  2. Flexibility: Private rides can often be scheduled at a time that works best for you, rather than having to conform to a set schedule of group rides. This can be especially convenient if you have a busy schedule or need to work around other activities.
  3. Privacy: If you’re looking for a more intimate and private experience, a private horseback ride is the way to go. You won’t have to worry about riding with strangers, and you can enjoy the scenery and experience without any distractions.
  4. Safety: If you’re a beginner rider, a private ride can provide a safer environment with more one-on-one attention from your guide. This can help build your confidence and skills at your own pace.
  5. Special occasions: Private rides can also be a great option for special occasions, such as birthdays, anniversaries, or romantic outings. You can add special touches like champagne, a picnic, or even a sunset ride for a truly memorable experience.

Overall, a private horseback ride can provide a more personalized, flexible, and intimate experience, tailored to your needs and preferences.

Our guides are educated in natural horsemanship skills and share their knowledge of Vail’s history, flora, and fauna with you. All riding levels are welcome. Come join us for a private ride!  Min. 3 person charge at double the price, does not include gratuity for the guide.

Any ride 5 yrs and up when you book private.  7 Day cancellation policy for a full refund.